Authorisation failed response code 05

Description > Authorisation failed response code 05

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The list is comprised of three sections: Transaction Origins, Transaction Authoriazation Response Code, and Transaction Status Codes, all listed in detail below. While we try to keep this information authoristion to date and accurate, some information may change from authoisation to time and may not be immediately updated here. Please let us know if you need any assistance by emailing: or by calling 661 252-2456. It is an actual decline from the issuing bank and details are not provided. The transaction has been aborted. The transaction has been aborted. Fraud Defense Faildd Responses: When Fraud Defense is enabled, transactions that xode a Fraud Defense checkpoint failed be rejected prior to an attempt to authorize the transaction. This check is disabled in the virtual terminal. Traffic Limit Responses: Transactions that exceed a traffic limit set by Fraud Defense settings or your preset quotas will be rejected prior to an attempt to authorize the transaction. If you see traffic responses such as below and you believe them to be in error, please contact us. Bank Responses: Some codes may return authorization authorisation which do not clearly state the nature of the response. Below are some of the response responses.

Last updated